Cézanne and the Steam Railway (4)
: His Railway Subjects in Paris, Pontoise, Médan, Gardanne, and Estaque

Tomoki Akimaru (Art Historian)
Below is an abstract of my doctoral dissertation.

 In the foregoing chapters, we saw that Paul Cézanne (1839–1906) drew the first railway painting among Impressionist painters in Bonnières in the summer of 1866, and sketched various railway subjects in Aix-en-Provence till his later years.
 Moreover, Cézanne painted many railway subjects at other places such as Paris, Pontoise, Médan, Gardanne, and Estaque in his life.


Fig. 1 Paul Cézanne 
Paris: Quai de Bercy, La Halle aux Vin

Fig. 2 A photograph of the scene in Fig. 1,
photographed by John Rewald around 1935.

Fig. 3 Paul Cézanne
The Bridge and Waterfall at Pontoise

Fig. 4 A photograph of the scene in Fig. 3.
(photographer unknown)

Fig. 5 Paul Cézanne
The Catsle of Médan (The Home of Zola)
c. 1880

Fig. 6 A photograph of the scene in Fig. 5,
photographed by Émile Zola
in the late 19th century.

Fig. 7 A photograph of the scene in Fig. 5,
photographed by Émile Zola
in the late 19th century.


Fig. 8 Paul Cézanne
 Gardanne, Old Bridge 1885-1886

Fig. 9 A photograph of the scene in Fig. 8,
photographed by Erle Loran in the late 1920s.


Fig. 10 Paul Cézanne
The Bay of Marseille seen from L'Estaque

Fig. 11 The Marseille-Estaque line
(Photographer unknown)

Fig. 12 Paul Cézanne
The Railway Bridge at L'Estaque 1882

Fig. 13 Paul Cézanne
The Railway Bridge at L'Estaque 1879-1882

 (Fig. 2 was quated from John Rewald, The Paintings of Paul Cézanne: A Catalogue Raisonné, vol. I, New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1996. Fig. 4 was quated from Joachim Pissarro et Claire Durand-Ruel Snollaerts, Pissarro: catalogue critique des peintures, critical catalogue of paintings, tome II, Paris: Skira, 2005. Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 were quated from Emile Zola, Photograph, Eine Autobiographie in 480 Bildern, herausgegeben und zusammengestellt von François-Emile Zola und Massin, München: Schirmer/Mosel, 1979. Fig. 9 was quated from John Rewald, Paul Cézanne: The Watercolors, A Catalogue Raisonné, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1983. Fig. 11 was quated from Wikipedia (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/L'Estaque)

 Cézanne and the Steam Railway
 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Copyright (C) Tomoki Akimaru.All rights reserved.


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